Construction of a remotely operated satellite ground station for low earth orbit communication

Henning Vangli: Master thesis: Communications subsystem.

This master thesis introduces the reader to the general theories behind electromagnetic fields.
The general theories are put in a signalling perspective and certain guidelines for proper
antenna design are ascertained.
Then problems related to the construction and development of a satellite ground station for
LEO-satellite communication, the Oslo Ground Station and its sub-components, are
discussed. Some forms digital baseband modulation is presented, resulting in the selection and
implementation of one of these. A means of interfacing ground stations remotely is suggested,
and the design and production of such a system is presented. Also, in its design, a way for
multiple remote users to operate the ground station is achieved.



By Henning Vangli
Published Feb. 4, 2011 1:12 PM - Last modified May 12, 2020 12:29 PM