GEOHYD Lunch Seminar: Technical aspects of landslide early warning systems (EWS); from thresholds to performance evaluation

Welcome to our GEOHYD Lunch Seminar Friday 24th of April @ 12:15. The seminar is digital and helt by Luca Piciullo, NGI.

Seminar by Luca Piciullo, Post-doc, NGI / Norwegian Geotechnical Institute.

Technical aspects of landslide early warning systems (EWS); from thresholds to performance evaluation


About the seminar:

This seminar is offered by the Section for Geography and Hydrology, Dept. of Geosciences, University of Oslo. The GEOHYD-seminars are announced as lunch seminars so bring your lunch if you want to. 

The seminars are open for everyone interested, and especially students are welcome. 

The Lunch Seminar Team​​​
– Désirée and Sigrid

Published Feb. 12, 2020 8:53 AM - Last modified May 7, 2020 2:42 PM