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News - Page 8

Published Feb. 3, 2016 12:16 PM

Lena M Tallaksen is one of the authors of an article (commentary) about drought in the Anthropocene published in Nature Geoscience 2 February 2016.

Published Dec. 3, 2015 1:47 PM

PhD Luc Girod from Department of Geosciences recently received the award for best paper at this year SMPR conference within geomatics, environmental monitoring and satellite data. The Conference was held at the University of Tehran in November.

Published Dec. 1, 2015 12:35 PM

There are many areas with permafrost both in Norway and Iceland, although the two countries have different climate and soil conditions. Models show that land areas with permafrost are about 8% of the total landsurface, but with somewhat smaller percentage for Norway's part. Researchers at the Department of Geosciences have studied permafrost over time both in Norway and Iceland. Professor Bernd Etzelmuller recently has contributed with two articles with status reports for permafrost for Norway and Iceland in the WWWs The Circle.

Published Oct. 28, 2015 4:09 PM

In October deffended Heïdi Sevestre at Department of Geosciences and UNIS her PhD thesis. In her PhD she has investigated the global distribution of surge-type glaciers and uncovered differences in geometry between normal and surge-type glaciers. Read about her research in an article at UNIS webpages.

Published Oct. 9, 2015 2:42 PM

Svalbard`s mountains are older than we previously believed. On research expeditions to get rock samples of the Spitsbergen`s peaks the researchers found mountains that was ancient and little prone to erosion. The study is published in Nature Geoscience with first author Endre Før Gjermundsen, many colleagues from UNIS and others. Otto Salvigsen, Department of Geosciences, is co-author of the article.

Publisert 1. sep. 2015 13:33

Etter å ha blitt vist i 26 byer og sett av 800 000, nå kan du se Space Expo utstillingen på Youngstorget frem til og med søndag 6. september. Tre foredrag fra ansatte på Institutt for geofag, Universitetet i Oslo er med på det faglige programmet.

Publisert 31. mars 2015 09:37

Breane i Norge er no undersøkt for areal- og lengdeendringar, og studien viser at breane stort sett har minka over heile Norge. Det er breane i Nord Norge som har minka mest i areal av dei norske breane. Dette kjem fram i artikkelen "Breendringer i hele Norge" på nettstaden til Senter for klimaforskning - CICERO, som er skrive av Solveig Havstad Winsvold frå Institutt for geofag, samt Liss M. Andreassen, NVE.

Publisert 10. mars 2015 09:17

Glasiologer og andre forskere og studenter fra hele verden møttes i Kathmandu i Nepal første uke i mars 2015 på International Symposium on Glaciology in High Mountain Asia. PhD student Désirée Treichler fra Institutt for geofag deltok på det faglige programmet, og fikk pris for beste studentforedrag om hydrologiske konsekvenser av endringer i bremasse i høyfjells Asia.

Published Feb. 11, 2015 3:18 PM

Austfonna, Europe’s largest glacier do we find on the island Nordaustlandet in the archipelago Svalbard. The glacier has moved with increased speed in the last few years, and in 2014 the glacier moved a total of 3800 meters. Glaciologist and professor Jon Ove Hagen Methlie, Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo is interviewed about Austfonna and says that surging in Svalbard’s glaciers is natural as a cyclical phenomenona.