Oslo joint seminar in atmospheric, ocean and climate science, Feb. 07

Title: High Mountain Asia glacier changes in the early 21st century

Speaker: Andreas Kääb, UiO


Andreas Kääb, UiO


Until a few years ago, glaciers in High Mountain Asia were among the least investigated and understood on Earth, leading to a wide (sometimes wild) range of estimates and speculations about their changes. Recently, though, strong focus on this glacier region, accompanied by new possibilities for satellite observations, has massively improved knowledge about glacier state and fate in High Mountain Asia. In our presentation, we discuss recent remotely sensed glacier mass changes and their implications for water resources and glacier hazards. Special focus will be on the so-called Karakoram anomaly, the only significant region on Earth with pronounced glacier mass gains.


What is the Joint Oslo Seminar (JOS):

Atmospheric and climate sciences have a stronghold in Oslo among the four institutions University of Oslo, the Meteorological Institute, CICERO and NILU. This joint seminar invites renowned international experts to contribute to an informal series of lectures, meant to create interaction with the Oslo atmospheric and climate science community on recent highlights and analysis in the field. All seminars will be held on Thursdays (Noon -1pm) and lunch (sandwiches) will be served on a “first-come-first-served”-basis.


Published Jan. 15, 2019 10:25 AM - Last modified Feb. 6, 2019 12:07 PM