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I am an atmospheric scientist studying how cloud feedbacks affect Earth's climate sensitivity, and how we can better project global warming using emergent constraints. I work with Prof. Trude Storelvmo as part of the FORCeS project. Before joining UiO, I received my PhD degree in Mathematics from the University of Exeter and briefly worked as a postdoctoral researcher there. During this time, I used an idealised General Circulation Model to understand how the land surface affects tropical precipitation (on seasonal and longer timescales) and how this might change due to climate change. I also hold a BSc in Physics and an MSc in Environmental Sciences from the University of Vienna. For my master thesis, I studied oceanic mass and heat transports into the Arctic Ocean, and for my bachelor thesis I studied the phenomenon of global dimming.


Research interests

  • Earth's climate system and climate change
  • Climate modeling (idealised to complex)
  • Cloud feedbacks
  • Atmosphere – land-surface coupling
  • Atmospheric dynamics
Tags: Meteorology


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Published Jan. 11, 2021 3:20 PM - Last modified May 26, 2021 8:16 AM


Research groups