Norwegian version of this page

Disputation: Sirikarn Narongsirikul

Doctoral candidate Sirikarn Narongsirikul at the Department of Geosciences, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, is defending the thesis Acoustic, elastic, and physical properties of overconsolidated sands and reservoir fluids – Experimental measurements, modelling, and implications for reservoir characterization, time-lapse seismic monitoring, and geomechanics for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor.

Sirikarn Narongsirikul. Photo: Private

Sirikarn Narongsirikul. Photo: Private

The University of Oslo is currently closed, and disputations will therefore be streamed directly using Zoom. The host will moderate the digital issues while the defense moderator chairs the defense.

Trial lecture

Horizontal Stress: Controls, Measurement and Estimation from Pre-Drill to Post-production 

Conferral summary

Leting etter, og produksjon av hydrokarboner (råolje og naturgass) fra lett tilgjengelige felt sør på Norsk kontinentalsokkel har siden slutten av 1960-tallet vært med å forsyne  verdens energibehov. Leting etter nye olje- og gassforekomster beveger seg derfor nå nordover til områder som har vært utsatt for issmelting og oppløfting. I denne avhandlingen tas det  i bruk laboratorieeksperimenter for å studere endringer i akustiske og petrofysiske egenskaper i bergarter som følge av oppløftingsprosesser.

Main research findings

Popular scientific article about Narongsirikul`s dissertation:

Short about the thesis

Hydrocarbons in easily accessible areas have been explored on the Norwegian continental shelf, with much of it having been tapped out to supply the world’s energy demand. The growing consumption and demand has driven exploration to continue in harsher and more challenging areas towards the  northern hemisphere. These areas have been known to be affected, both in the present day, and in its geological history by deglaciation. As the ice melted, the buried sediment was uplifted due to an isostatic rebound.

This figure illustrates well log data from the Barents Sea comparing P-wave velocity and bulk density data between uplifted (red curves) and non-uplifted wells (black curves). Figure: Sirikarn Narongsirikul
This figure illustrates well log data from the Barents Sea comparing P-wave velocity and bulk density data between uplifted (red curves) and non-uplifted wells (black curves). Figure: Sirikarn Narongsirikul

The methods and knowhow commonly applied for exploring and developing hydrocarbons in more common areas without such the effect, may not be sufficiently used to apply in the uplifted areas. 

This study realized a potential to fill in the knowledge gaps with laboratory experiments, required for better understanding stress release affecting acoustic and petrophysical data. On a separate but related subject, this thesis also outlines the results from laboratory measurements and from model calculations performed on reservoir fluids. The data from both studies are important input parameters used during basin modelling, and seismic and rock physics modelling studies for resource evaluation. It can also aid in reducing risks during hydrocarbons in-place and remaining oil reserve evaluations.

Photo and other information:

Press photo: Sirikarn Narongsirikul, portrait; 400px. Photo: Private

Other photo material: Figure with description and credit as specified in the article above, size 450px.

Published May 14, 2020 10:17 AM - Last modified Sep. 27, 2023 1:48 PM