EMERALD's four Work Packages

EMERALD uses a suite of tightly interlinked work packages to address the The Norwegian Earth System Model (NorESM) model representations of land surface processes and land–atmosphere fluxes.

Workflow: The methods include modelling in WP1, with corresponding observational methods in WP2, which supports the application in WP3. WP 1 to 3 will then deliver urgently needed improvements to use climate models for prediction in high latitude environments.

Workflow: The methods include modelling in WP1, with corresponding observational methods in WP2, which supports the application in WP3. WP 1 to 3 will then deliver urgently needed improvements to use climate models for prediction in high latitude environments.

Presentations of Work Packages

WP1: Land surface model evaluation and improvement

Leads: Skarpaas, Lee, Tang.

The primary objective of WP 1 is to improve the representation of processes and parameters in the community climate system models CLM5BGC and CLM5FATES concerning boreal, alpine and Arctic terrestrial ecosystems. We will use observations and more improve the mechanistic models that describe these processes. In particular, we will establish and implement new plant functional types, update vegetation dynamics, evaluate the models for plant hydrological processes, improve albedo representation, and tackle the energy balance in eddy flux measurements.

WP2: Improved process understanding from observations and experiments

Leads: Vandvik, Bjerke, Pirk.

In this work package, we will combine existing and new measurements to improve the quantification of climate change impacts and understanding feedback loops in terrestrial ecosystems. WP2 harnesses rich data from past and current research as well as monitoring projects from across Norway and beyond. Collectively, the EMERALD team has access to a wealth of such projects. We will add key measurements and covariates to some of these sites or experiments to facilitate the integration and usage of the data, covering primary drivers and response variables across key nature types and climatic gradients. We will work in close collaboration with WP1 and supply them with the necessary input data to improve the community climate system models.

WP3: Implementation in NorESM and quantification of feedbacks

Leads: Berntsen, Bright, Westermann.

WP3 will quantify the net impacts of model improvements (WP1) when they are incorporated into the Norwegian Earth System Model (NorESM). In the fully coupled climate system, feedbacks processes cannot be seen in isolation. We will adopt the standard method using Earth System model to assess overall feedbacks by running CO2 experiments to diagnose the global climate sensitivity. We will implement updates to the community climate system models in the coupled NorESM2.5 version. The complete update will be carried out within INES project (Infrastructure for Norwegian Earth System modelling), in close collaboration with EMERALD scientists.

WP4: Dissemination and communication

Leads: Hisdal, Bryn and Parmentier.

WP3 will quantify the net impacts of model improvements (WP1) when they are incorporated into the Norwegian Earth System Model (NorESM). In the fully coupled climate system, feedbacks processes cannot be seen in isolation. We will adopt the standard method using Earth System model to assess overall feedbacks by running CO2 experiments to diagnose the global climate sensitivity. We will implement updates to the community climate system models in the coupled NorESM2.5 version. The complete update will be carried out within INES project (Infrastructure for Norwegian Earth System modelling), in close collaboration with EMERALD scientists.

Published Apr. 25, 2019 12:22 PM - Last modified Sep. 6, 2021 12:35 PM