RT2/6 - Multiscale Modelling and Complexity

To study large-scale responses to local perturbations, we develop methods, software, and virtual-reality tools bridging electronic structure, condensed matter, and the mesoscale. We apply these methods to bio-soft matter and address mechanisms associated with health threats like bacterial drug resistance.

Illustration of the research by RT2/6. 

Complex processes produce responses that can be observed at scales spanning several orders of magnitude in time and space. Even though all such events are triggered at the molecular/electronic scale, the description of the phenomena at larger dimensionalities do not require methods at such level of detail.

Multiscale modelling ensures a balanced treatment of phenomena at different scales by employing methods that incorporate progressive levels of approximation, as illustrated by the figure.

In RT2/6, we plan to:

  • Develop approaches for fast, accurate treatment of chemical processes in complex environments, including multiple or exotic states of matter, enzymatic pockets, and non-conventional solvents.
  • Integrate physics-based methods like electronic-structure theory and molecular dynamics, with machine learning approaches, in collaboration with RT7.
  • Implement software to facilitate user interface, including graphic user interfaces for QM/MM-EVB calculations, and virtual reality tools, in collaboration with RT0.
  • Explore the molecular driving forces determining self-organisation in soft/biological systems.
  • Rationalise the intricacies behind the complex phase diagram of ice,
  • Explain the origin of cold adaptation in living organisms.
Image may contain: Eyebrow, Jaw, Neck, Gesture, Font.

Michele Cascella 

Image may contain: Eyebrow, Jaw, Neck, Gesture, Font.

Bjørn Olav Brandsdal 