Welcome to the group, Bruno!

We welcome our new guest research fellow Bruno Souza!

Hi, my name is Bruno. I am Brazilian. I did my graduation from UFU (Brazil) and ENSMM (France) in Mechatronics Engineering and Robotics in a sandwich program.
That time back, I used to work with micro-controller and microprocessors. My bachelor's project was about a crawling robot equipped with a camera to reach its target.

From that day on, I started to be more interested in Image Processing and Image Recognition. Thus, I have naturally run into the Machine Learning and Deep Learning approaches.

I am doing an MSc in Computer Science at UNICAMP under the Supervision of Professor Adin Rivera (UiO) and Helio Pedrini (Unicamp). My main project aims to apply self-supervised learning for the Visual Question Answering task using a graph-based model as an encoder for the input data.

I have recently joined UiO as a guest researcher to carry out my MSc project for 6 months. I believe that this is a great opportunity to exchange knowledge and experiences.

Academically speaking, I enjoy learning techniques from different areas of Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and also Probabilistic Learning for several tasks such as Computer Vision, and Natural Language Processing.

I enjoy going to the gym and playing football (even though I'm not a very good player), and I usually spend my downtime reading about politics or watching sci-fi series/movies to balance my life.

I am very glad to join the group and look forward to starting to collaborate with you on different topics.

Best regards
Bruno Souza

Published Oct. 18, 2022 8:26 PM - Last modified Oct. 18, 2022 8:26 PM