Welcome to the group, Mahsa!

Hi, my name is Mahsa. I am delighted to be part of the DSB team!

I completed my MSc degree in phase screen aberration correction in medical ultrasound. Before starting my Ph.D., I have experience working in a related industry as a QC engineer for EMG (electromyography) productions. The time I spent there was truly amazing, and I learned how to be an engineer.

Afterwards, I pursued my Ph.D. at Tarbiat Modares University. During the final year of my PhD, I worked at KU Leuven University in the Laboratory of Cardiovascular Imaging and Dynamics. The focus of my Ph.D. was on signal processing and beamforming methods for high-frame rate ultrasound imaging. I employed a high-frame rate approach which has inspired the development of completely novel imaging modes that are useful for ultrasound-based screening, diagnosis, and therapeutic monitoring. I enjoyed working with the team at KU Leuven,

As well as research, I enjoy hiking, and Norway seems to be a great place for this. Additionally, I play a musical instrument and paint occasionally.



Published Aug. 10, 2023 11:22 AM - Last modified Aug. 10, 2023 11:22 AM