Norsk kryptoseminar 2023

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General information

Friday 27. October 2023, 09:00-17:00

Location: Forum Auditorium, Forskningsparken, Oslo

Registration: by Friday October 6 (sign up here).

If you would like to give a talk, please indicate a title or topic in the registration form. Note that all PhD students are expected to give a short (approx. 10 minutes) and high-level talk about their work.

Registration fee: The event is free to attend and lunch is provided for all attendees.

Dinner: At Døgnvill Burger Bjørvika from 19:15. Note that the dinner is not covered by the seminar.

Pre-drinks:  Hammerhai bar

Program (also available as a pdf):

08.30 Registration
09:00 Welcome by Thales Norway

Hardware managed keys in Azure

Lars Olaussen (Bouvet)


Obuscation in Software Protection

Anton Tkachenko (Promon)

PhD presentations I

Hagen (new MSc) - Slides

Jesper (new PhD)

10:30 Break

Multi-party computation in practice

Martin Strand (FFI)


Acquiring Data from Encrypted Containers and Devices

Kripos (NC3)



Promo: Kongsberg Summer Internship 2024


Real-world crypto mistakes

Tor Erling Bjørstad (Mnemonic)

PhD presentations II

Arne (Zero knowledge proofs)

Amund (Reset Glitching)

Caroline (Lattice-Based Electronic Voting)

Anton (C-differential uniformity as a new crypto characteristic)
14:30 Break
15:00 PhD presentations III

Ole Martin (Testing the security usability of electronic ID schemes)

Lea (Circuit Privacy in Fully Homomorphic Encryption) - Slides

Emil (Post-Quantum stuff) - Slides

Jonathan (Après-SQI)

Kjent chiffer-tekst med steinhard integritet

Stig Frode Mjølsnes (NTNU)

17:00 End of seminar + practical information

Organizers: Thales Norway and University of Oslo

Organization committee:

  • Anders Paulshus (
  • Håkon Jacobsen (
Published Nov. 2, 2023 7:28 PM - Last modified Nov. 2, 2023 7:29 PM