Blockchain Lab Open Day

Are you interested in the exploitation of blockchain technologies? The Blockchain Lab invites organizations and enterprises from the public and private sectors in Norway to participate.

A puzzle cube and circles

The current event is primarily oriented towards representatives of the prominent infrastructure designers and use case owners in Norway. While the talks can be of interest to the students and academic researchers interested in blockchain, the Lab will have additional events in the future that are more focused on their audience.

The goals of the open day are:

  • To share the vision and mission of the Lab (which emphasizes blockchain support for public services and infrastructures),
  • To present our research and innovation ambitions as well as the areas strategic for the Lab,
  • To organize breakout sessions on topics of potential interest to the participants. The goal of the breakout sessions is to establish strategic areas having a critical mass, wherein the partners will have complementary expertise.

Program and registration


Blockchain Lab
Published Nov. 25, 2021 10:05 AM - Last modified Nov. 25, 2021 10:05 AM