
PEP-DNA is a Performance Enhancing Proxy designed specifically for deploying new network architectures. It is implemented in the Linux kernel and can be installed wherever a translation needs to occur between a new architecture and TCP/IP domains. PEP-DNA is currently able to interconnect a TCP connection with (i) another TCP connection, (ii) the Recursive InterNetwork Architecture (Visit to read more about RINA), and (iii) a Content-Centric Networking domain (

NEATPy is a Python implementation of an IETF Transport Services (TAPS) interface. The OCARINA project has taken a leading role in TAPS standardization.

TEACUP is the main testbed toolkit that we have been using. The linked repository contains the scripts for "Computer-Aided Reproducibility" ( see our paper with the same title). It requires a patched version of Web10G, which we provide here.

Stay tuned for code related to real-life testing of LGC with a shadow queue!


Published Nov. 15, 2021 9:48 AM - Last modified Apr. 28, 2022 3:39 PM