
Program for the seminar in Mathematical Logic spring 2015

The program is tentative, and may be subject to changes.


12.02.2015: Lars Kristiansen

19.02.2015 Mathias Barra

26.02.2015 Mathias Barra

05.03.2015 Øystein Linnebo

12.03.2015 Sam Sanders

19.03.2015 Herman Ruge Jervell

26.03.2015 Herman Ruge Jervell

09.04.2015 Herman Ruge Jervell

16.04.2015 Lars Kristiansen

23.04.2015 Cancelled

30.04.2015 Dag Normann: Sequential functions of type level 2.

28.05.2015 Øystein Linnebo (see tittle and abstract below)

11.06.2015 Frode Bjørdal



May 28 Øystein Linnebo


Fregean categories and the problem of expressibility (joint with Bob Hale)

Frege famously held that the ontological categories correspond to the
logico-syntactic types. For instance, something is an object just in
case it can be referred to by a singular term, and likewise for all
the other categories. This view faces an expressibility problem. In
order to express the view, we need to generalize across categories.
But by the view itself, any one variable can only range over a single
category. We provide a sharp formulation of the problem, show that
there is no easy way out, and then explore some of the hard ways.




Dag Normann

Publisert 6. feb. 2015 11:06 - Sist endret 16. apr. 2015 15:12