Tidligere arrangementer

Tid og sted: , Erling Svedrups plass and Zoom https://uio.zoom.us/j/66503159220?pwd=alhPVFpHNUxVUTNoeHhIcVFtUWx4UT09
In this talk I will cover the recent advances in the theory of power law distributions, in particular the role of Markov modulation and random stopping emphasized by Beare and Toda (2022), which builds on Nakagawa (2007)’s Tauberian theorem. Applications include the emergence of Zipf’s law in Japanese cities and the spread of COVID-19. I will also present open mathematical problems.
• Beare, Brendan K., and Alexis Akira Toda. "Determination of Pareto exponents in economic models driven by Markov multiplicative processes." Econometrica 90.4 (2022): 1811-1833.
• Nakagawa, Kenji. "Application of Tauberian theorem to the exponential decay of the tail probability of a random variable." IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 53.9 (2007): 3239-3249.
• Beare, Brendan K., and Alexis Akira Toda. "On the emergence of a power law in the distribution of COVID-19 cases." Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 412 (2020): 132649.
Tid og sted: , NHA 723 and Online
Tid og sted: , NHA 107

C*-algebra seminar by Eduard Vilalta (Chalmers University of Technology / University of Gothenburg)


The purpose of this workshop is to bring together communities in dynamical systems, harmonic analysis and operator algebras whose research relates to point sets in Euclidean space and general locally compact groups.

Tid og sted: , Zoom/Realfagsbygget, UiB

At UiB, we celebrate the international day for Women in Mathematics (May 12) with the event "Celebrating Women in Mathematics" on May 3rd. The program is in two parts, allowing for digital participation (zoom) for part 1. The zoom link will be sent the day before the event.