John M. Aiken

John started as a researcher at Njord April 1st on the ERC-project DIME. John has for a long time been a part of our group at Njord, though not formally, and we are happy that he now is part of Njord formally as well. 

A photo of a man with brown hair and beard, smiling and wearing a leather jacket, plain cap, glasses and striped scarf.

John writes the following about what he will be doing:

"I am a computational scientist who applies machine learning to problems in geophysics and glaciology. I have previously collaborated with Njord to understand what leads to macroscopic failure in rocks in lab experiments. My current work focuses on using image segmentation and machine learning techniques to assess the porosity and permeability of rocks taken from volcanic flows in the Faroe Islands. This work attempts to build an automated process for understanding rock samples taken from the region to assess potential CO2 injection sites. Additionally, I collaborate on a project using machine learning to understand the instabilities in glaciers that lead them to surge."

Published Apr. 23, 2021 8:43 PM - Last modified Apr. 23, 2021 8:43 PM