Sascha Zertani

Sascha started working at Njord as a researcher in May. He will stay with us for 2 1/2 years. First as part of the ERC-project DIME for 6 months. Then he will stay for another 2 years with funding from his Walter-Benjamin Fellowship from the DFG.

Man sitting on grey rock. The man is bald and with a short, red beard. He is wearing a black jacket with a short underneath and a grey backpack. He has beige pants and is holding a blue bottle. On his feet he has brown hiking boots. His head is looking slightly of the right of the camera.

Sascha writes the following about himself:

"I obtained my PhD at the Freie Universität Berlin (Germany) in 2020. My research interests target the interplay of brittle and ductile deformation and high-grade metamorphism of the continental crust, and how these processes imprint themselves onto the geophysical record. Specifically, in the last years I have studied the geophysical signal of eclogite-facies shear zones from the outcrop to the kilometer scale. My future research will focus on the interplay of pseudotachylyte and shear zone formation in the deep crust. In all my studies, I use a strongly field-based approach as a basis for petrological, structural, and numerical investigations."

Published June 3, 2021 11:07 AM - Last modified June 3, 2021 11:15 AM