
Time and place: , Online

Boris Gudiksen, Professor at Rosseland Centre for Solar Physics, ITA.

Time and place: , Online

Nancy Narang, Rosseland Centre for Solar Physics, Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics (UiO). 

Time and place: , Online seminar on Zoom

 Salvo Guglielmino, National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF) in Catania,  Italy

Time and place: , ONLINE

The Norwegian ALMA Day 2020 will be held on March 31 as an online-only event.  


First International Workshop on Solar Imaging with ALMA - ALMA-SOL-IMG1.

Time and place: , Rosseland Centre for Solar Physics, Svein Rosseland hus

The Solar Lunch for February 2020 will feature a presentation by Juan Carlos Martínez Oliveros on results from Parker Solar Probe.

Time and place: , Rosseland Centre for Solar physics, Svein Rosselands hus

The week 13-17 January, 2020 the Rosseland Centre for Solar Physics hosts the first mini-workshop linked to the WholeSun project.