Efficient exploitation of the sun with intermediate band gap Silicon Carbide (SunSiC) (completed)

About the project

The SunSiC project aims to demonstrate that it is possible to generate an intermediate band (IB) in cubic SiC. Such an electronic band would transform the large band gap semiconductor SiC into a multiple (three) band gap semiconductor without introduction of multiple junctions or quantum dots. The theoretical efficiency of IB photovoltaics is more than 60%, and the processing is potentially quite easy and cheap. If this concept is proven in stage 1 of the project, the second stage will focus on optimizing important material properties, particularly the life time of charge carriers. The project idea is based on a new synthesis process at Linköping University, where large single crystals of cubic SiC can be produced for the first time. We will have access to this material in the project, and thus have the possibility to search for IB behaviour at a very early stage. The material obtained from our collaborating partners will be doped using ion implantation, and a variety of characterization and modelling tools will be used to identify an IB and to establish the connection between processing parameters, detailed structural and electronic materials properties and the potential of using SiC with IB as a new solar cell technology.


The main objective of this project is to introduce intermediate band materials as a novel high-efficiency multiple band gap solar cell technology in Norway.

The sub goals are:

1. To demonstrate intermediate band behaviour in 3C-SiC.

2. To optimize material quality with respect to charge carrier lifetimes.

3. Establish Norwegian research activity on single material multi band gap PV technology.




The University of Linköping

Published Mar. 18, 2014 12:05 PM - Last modified Oct. 12, 2021 11:03 AM


The project leader at UiO is Bengt Gunnar Svensson


  • Bengt Gunnar Svensson University of Oslo
  • Quanbao Ma University of Oslo
Detailed list of participants