The Return of Finished Genomes

CEES Extra seminar by Jonas Korlach, Chief Scientic Officer, Pacific Biosciences

Genomic data have become commonplace in most branches of the biological sciences and have fundamentally altered the way research is conducted. However, the predominance of high-throughput, short-read sequence data from second-generation technologies has commonly resulted in fragmented and partial genomic data characteristics. Long, unbiased reads from SMRT sequencing now allow for a return to more contiguous and comprehensive views of genomes. I will present several examples highlighting this transition, including finished microbial and fungal genomes, improved complex genomes by resolving structural variation and previously inaccessible genomic regions, full-length transcriptomes, and epigenome information as part of SMRT sequencing.

Jonas Korlach, Chief Scientic Officer, Pacific Biosciences

Published Nov. 12, 2013 1:36 PM - Last modified Nov. 13, 2013 1:07 PM