The 3rd TopoScandiaDeep workshop

The third TopoScandiaDeep workshop was held in Århus, Denmark from 13-15 September 2010.

Main topics of the workshop were presentation of the seismological analyses carried out in the context of the project. We are very happy with the consistency of the results across various methods and parts of the seismic wavefield as recorded over the last couple of years in southwestern Fennoscandia. The first publications are on the way.

The geodynamical components of the project are taking up momentum now - in accordance with the timeline of the project. In addition, we had the pleasure to have two invited contributions from Søren B. Nielsen (Univ. Århus, Denmark) and Wouter v.d. Wal (TU Delft, Netherlands).

Published Nov. 10, 2010 3:47 PM