Mikolaj Szydlarski at Waiting for Pint of Science - Polish edition

Monday 7th February Mikolaj Szydlarski will give a talk at the "Waiting for Pint of Science - Polish edition" on "Understanding the Sun. Numerical models of our local star".

Banner shows the illustrations of the Sun, a meteorite, Copernicus, the Earth and an airplane flying around it

Did you know that approximately 25% of Oslo people are foreign? "Waiting for Pint of Science" is travelling with you all around the world with a new series of events! Their next event, we will be hosting the representants of the largest international group in Norway: Poles!

Waiting for #pint22: Tales from the land of Copernicus presents: 

portrait photo of a young man
Mikolaj Szydlarski works as Senior Engineer at Rosseland Centre for Solar Physics, University of Oslo. Credits: ITA/UiO.

"Understanding the Sun. Numerical models of our local star"

by Mikolaj Szydlarski, Senior Engineer - Rosseland Centre for Solar Physics, University of Oslo.

Already our ancestors realized that their lives depended upon the Sun, a powerful source of light and heat for life on Earth.

To understand our nearest star, many scientists around the world turn telescopes and satellites toward it, but to comprehend the fascinating data they recorded, we need the aid of complex mathematical models.

In my short talk, I will present the challenges and the importance of modern solar physics with particular attention to numerical simulations, which prove to be an invaluable tool to unlock the secrets of our host start. 


Pint of Science
Tags: Solar physics, Outreach
Published Feb. 7, 2022 12:42 PM - Last modified Sep. 4, 2023 11:11 AM