Guest Lecture: Pier-Emmanuel Tremblay: 3D Surface Granulation in Dwarfs, Giants, and White Dwarfs

Pier-Emmanuel Tremblay, Landessternwarte, Heidelberg

3D model atmospheres computed with the CO5BOLD code have been applied to spectroscopic and asteroseismic studies. Unlike existing plane-parallel 1D structures, these simulations predict the resolved emergent intensity where granulation can be analysed, which provides insights on how convective energy transfer operates in stars. For over 150 3D simulations of dwarfs, giants, and white dwarfs, I will demonstrate that convection develops in a very similar way in those objects. The mean properties of convective cells, such as the size and lifetime, can be parameterised as a function of the photospheric density. We conclude that the mean properties of non-local 3D convection can be described to a large extent by the local thermodynamic conditions, although in a much different way to the 1D mixing-length theory. I will also introduce briefly our first grid of 3D simulations for white dwarfs.

Publisert 2. apr. 2013 14:12 - Sist endret 4. apr. 2013 14:11