Fredagskollokvium: Microwave circuits and mechanical resonators: reservoir engineering in the quantum regime

Francesco P. Massel, University of South-Eastern Norway Dept. of Science and Industry systems.

bildetportrett av F. Massel

Francesco P. Massel, University of South-Eastern Norway Dept. of Science and Industry systems.

In my talk, I will present some of our recent achievements concerning the physics of optomechanical systems in the microwave regime. I will show how, through the coherent manipulation of an electromagnetic cavity, it is possible to drive the degrees of freedom of mechanical resonators into the quantum regime.

I will first discuss how we have achieved a squeezed state with single-quadrature noise below the zero-point fluctuations for a nanodrum mechanical resonator [1]. Subsequently, I will analyze how it is possible, with the same philosophy, to induce and measure two-mode squeezing —and therefore entanglement— for two nearly- macroscopic mechanical resonators [2].

The latter result represents, on the one hand, an important breakthrough from the fundamental perspective, demonstrating how macroscopic collective degrees of freedom can be driven into the quantum regime. At the same time, the stationary nature of the entanglement generated suggests new possibilities in the realm of the technological exploitation of quantum mechanics.

Bildet kan inneholde: gass, sirkel.
Image credits: Aalto University/Petja Hyttinen & Olli Hanhirova, ARKH Architects


[1] J. M. Pirkkalainen, et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 243601 (2015).

[2] C. F. Ockeloen-Korppi, et al. Nature 556, 478 (2018).

You can connect from 11:00 via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 648 6409 1089
Passcode: 582709

Attendees will be muted during the colloquium, but will have the
opportunity to ask questions at the end by clicking on the "raise hand”
button (or send a request to me via chat).

Emneord: fredagskollokvium, Seminar
Publisert 28. mai 2020 10:00 - Sist endret 5. feb. 2021 09:44