Fredagskollokvium: Gas-poor clusters: what kind of beasts are they?

Stefano Andreon, INAF-OA Brera in Milan (Italy)

Men with red helmet on a white platform

Stefano Andreon at the primary focus of the 100m Green Bank Telescope, at 120 m of height, i.e. about 40 floors). Photo: Private.

The known variety of galaxy clusters is constantly increasing with our progress in understanding the severity of selection effects on observational samples and with obvious implications on cosmology and cluster physics. 

In the talk, after a general introduction on galaxy clusters and a reminder on selection effects, I present perhaps the first X-ray unbiased sample of clusters with known masses and X-ray follow-up, its more variegate nature compared to clusters selected by the intracluster medium (X-ray or SZ), and first results based on a deeper X-ray follow-up of a few of them.

Sterner, more universet, galakse
Galaxy cluster CL2015 in the middle of this image. Credits: Nasa/Swift, Ncra/Gmrt, Sdss, Bob Franke, Stefano Andreon.

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Passcode: 864672

Attendees will be muted during the colloquium, but will have the
opportunity to ask questions at the end by clicking on the "raise hand”
button (or send a request to me via chat).

Emneord: Institute seminar, fredagskollokvium
Publisert 2. des. 2020 12:29 - Sist endret 15. feb. 2021 11:38