Fredagskollokvium: CosmoglobeHD: Mapping the Universe from the Big Bang to the Milky Way in High Definition

Duncan Watts, Postdoctoral Fellow at Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Oslo.

portrettbildet av en ung smilende man
Duncan Watts, Postdoctoral fellow in Cosmology and extragalactic astronomy research group, Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics. Photo: ITA/UiO.

In this talk, I will give an overview of my recently-awarded CosmoglobeHD project. Building off of the success of the Cosmoglobe project, I will analyze both the archival COBE/FIRAS satellite data and the newly obtained Simons Observatory ground-based data in a unified framework to better model the Milky Way, Zodiacal Light, and the Cosmic Microwave Background.

The SO experiment, consisting of a low-resolution Small Aperture Telescope (SAT) and a high-resolution Large Aperture Telescope (LAT), will generate data with the sensitivity to detect or rule out signatures of single-field slow-roll inflation. In the CosmoglobeHD project, I will combine the high-sensitivity SO measurements with the full-sky WMAP, Planck, and COBE/DIRBE data, giving the broad spectral range necessary for robustly characterizing Galactic emission.

The FIRAS experiment, which won the 2006 Nobel Prize in Physics for constraining the blackbody nature of the CMB, is used as an absolute calibrator for all modern CMB experiments. However, standard cosmology predicts a non-blackbody spectrum, which will not be fully tested until the Voyage 2050 spectral distortions concept is launched. In CosmoglobeHD, I will lead a reanalysis of the FIRAS data, cleaning the timestreams of residual cosmic ray contamination, and create high spectral density maps of the sky from 60 GHz to 3 THz. These absolutely calibrated maps will be used to constrain Galactic physics, and provide a new benchmark for modern CMB experiments.

Collage of globe shaped images with colourful dots
Credit: Duncan Watts.

This Friday colloquium will be hybrid. Attendees can therefore participate either in-person or via Zoom.

Please join via Zoom at

Attendees will be muted during the colloquium, but will have the opportunity to ask questions at the end by clicking on the "raise hand” button (or send a request via chat).

Emneord: fredagskollokvium, institute seminar, Kosmologi, Cosmology, CMB, Kosmisk bakgrunnsstråling (CMB)
Publisert 27. nov. 2023 16:06 - Sist endret 1. des. 2023 10:31