Fredagskollokvium: Euclid - Dark Universe mission

Hans Arnold Winther, Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Oslo.

The Euclid satellite was successfully launched into space on July 1st this year. It's now in orbit around L2, has successfully given us first light and will in a few months be ready to start the science observations.

In this talk we will review how the satellite is built, what the mission is about and what science can be done with Euclid. We will also talk about Norways, and ITAs, involvement in the mission.


This Friday colloquium will be hybrid. Attendees can therefore participate either in-person or via Zoom. Please join via Zoom at:

Attendees will be muted during the colloquium, but will have the opportunity to ask questions at the end by clicking on the "raise hand” button (or send a request via chat).

Emneord: fredagskollokvium, institute seminar, kosmologi, Cosmology, Euclid, Euclid Consortium
Publisert 17. aug. 2023 10:14 - Sist endret 18. aug. 2023 11:40