Fredagskollokvium: On the modelling of multi-specie plasmas: theory and challenges for the solar atmosphere

Nicolas Poirier, Ph.D. fellow at Rosseland Centre for Solar Physics, University of Oslo.

portrettbildet av ung mann med briller
Nicolas Poirier, PhD fellow at RoCS, UiO.

The peculiar composition of the solar atmosphere in heavy ions still remains as one of the major standing problem in solar physics. Through this contribution, I will review why its origin and underlying physical mechanisms are still highly debated. Several promising candidates have already been examined in past studies, but separately with systematic disagreements with observations.
To tackle this problem, I will review the physics needed to build up a self-consistent and comprehensive model of multi-specie plasmas. Stratification, particle-particle diffusion and wave-particle effects will be discussed. And such in varying plasma regimes encountered in the solar atmosphere: cool/hot temperatures, strongly/weakly collisional, optically thick/thin, partially/fully ionized, magnetically/plasma dominated.
That complexity leads up to computational and interpretation challenges even for “simple” 1-D simulations for which I will present some preliminary results. Finally, I will present some ideas for future developments.

simulation of the sun
The Sun and its atmosphere as imagined by an Artificial Intelligence. Credits: Picture generated by the Midjourney AI.

This Friday colloquium will be hybrid. Attendees can therefore participate either in-person or via Zoom. Please join via Zoom at

Meeting ID:690 0104 3754

Passcode: PeiseStua3

Attendees will be muted during the colloquium, but will have the opportunity to ask questions at the end by clicking on the "raise hand” button (or send a request via chat).

Emneord: fredagskollokvium, institute seminar, Solar Physics, Solfysikk, plasma physics, modelling
Publisert 14. mars 2023 17:46 - Sist endret 27. mars 2023 12:07