STEAM+ workshop: Sustainable Solutions for a Harbour City

Please join our new digital transdisciplinary lab organized by our Klaipeda University partner. The main topic will be Sustainable Solutions for a Harbour City. We invite 3 to 5 students and one teacher to join our new transdisciplinary lab that will take place online during 22 of November-3 of December. The first 2 days students and teachers will attend lectures from different speakers and after that they will have to choose one or more topics from the picture under, identify such a challenge in the University campus and work together with others in order to find innovative solutions.

Image may contain: Product, Font, Parallel, Circle.

Students can have different profiles-humanistic, realistic, any kind and at any level, bachelor, master, PhD…just that they should be interested in such a theme to be motivated. The teacher could also be from anywhere. 

If you wish to join us, please read more at Steam+ and contact us.

The STEAM+ project is an EU Erasmus+ project that uses transdisciplinary talent programs as laboratories of innovation in higher education (HE). The project is co-created by a dedicated and qualified team of 18 partners from 9 countries, bringing together educators, policy makers and future employers, united in their aim to provide new generations with future-proof skills. Norwegian Ministry of Education and Prof Anders Malte Sørrensen and Prof. Ella Idsøe are part of the Norwegian team. Read more about the STEAM+ project here

An important part of the project is organizing transdisciplinary workshops uniting teacher and students from 9 countries in order to co-create innovative pedagogies and better solutions for the 21st century challenges. Our first STEAM+ Innovation Lab took place in Venice, organized by the Ca Foscari International University of Venice on 18-23 of July. The theme was ‘Citizen Science for Marine Conservation’.

Please take a look at our blogs and get the pulse from this amazing experience from  teachers and students.


Published Nov. 5, 2021 11:35 AM - Last modified Nov. 15, 2021 5:25 PM