qGAP meeting series 4th March

Joakim Bergli (Physics, UiO): Synchronization in two-level quantum systems

Photo of Joakim Bergli

Photo of Joakim Bergli


Synchronization is a process where an oscillating system synchronizes its frequency and phase to an external signal (or one or more additional oscillating system). The classical theory of syncronization is well developed, and there is now interest in transferring this to quantum systems, understanding in what way they are similar or different from classical systems.

I will explain how one can use these concepts in describing a two-level system interacting with a thermal environment and how we can apply the quantum trajectory theory to get more detailed information.

 Contact Joakim directly

About the qGAP meeting series

Welcome to our seminar series on Quantum Technologies, many-body physics, machine learning and quantum machine learning (or just qGAP). 

The series of seminars/lectures  are meant to cover broadly activities at UiO related to quantum technologies, developments in many-body theories related or unrelated to quantum technologies, machine learning applied to quantum mechanical systems and quantum machine learning.

We aim at having regular seminars, discussions of recent articles, presentations by master and PhD students and more. We aim also at discussing experimental work and theoretical work, with obviously a strong link to condensed matter physics, materials science and semi-conductor physics, nanotechnologies and quantum technologies.

Educational topics can also be included. 

March 4: Joakim Bergli (Physics, UiO) - Title: Synchronization in two-level quantum systems

March 5: Michael Doser (CERN)

Title: Seminar on Quantum Detectors for high energy physics by Michael Doser (CERN) on the 5th of March at 14:00 (location: Auditorium 1 in Helga Engs hus). This seminar will be opened to everyone and announced broadly.

The seminar will be followed by a Workshop  starting at 15h30 with two 15 minutes talk given by Morten Hjorth-Jensen and Lasse Vines and a one hour round table discussion with Michael Doser (Fysikkbygningen Seminarrom Ø397).

The workshop is intended to gather everyone interested in the Quantum Technology initiative and

Contact Antoine at a.y.m.c.camper@fys.uio.no

March 11: Håkon Kristiansen (Hyllerås Center@Chemistry, UiO) 

Title:  Time-dependent many-body theories
Abstract: TBA
Contact Håkon at h.e.kristiansen@kjemi.uio.no

March 18: Daniel Philips, University of Ohio, Athens
Title: Bayesian methods to quantify the uncertainty in effective field theory
Abstract: TBA

March 25 and April 1, Easter break

April 8: TBA

April 15: TBA

April 22: TBA

April 29: TBA

May 6: TBA

May 13: TBA, last session

May 14-16, workshop on utilizing numerical analysis and physics knowledge to obtain accurate, explainable and robust machine learning models, Sintef and UiO. 

Feel free to suggest speakers, yourself included! 

Published Feb. 20, 2024 3:13 PM - Last modified Feb. 20, 2024 3:14 PM