
How did two physicists end up working at Norway’s largest bank? Milan completed his PhD in experimental physics at the University of Western Australia in 2007, while Vilde did her master degree in computational physics at the University of Oslo in 2018.

This Wednesdays Karl Henrik will talk about the programming language Julia and exciting things which can be done with this programming language.

Karl Henrik is working on Machine learning applied to quantum mechanical problems for his MSc thesis. 

This week we have the pleasure of having Anne Marthine Rustad and Signe Riemer-Sørensen from SINTEF and the Mathematics and Cybernetics department.

SINTEF is a very important employer in our field of study and we look forward to hear about exciting research and job possibilities. Earlier this semester we forwarded several summer job options from SINTEF. 

Philip Sørli Niane is master of Science student in CS:physics, 2nd year. Pizza thereafter and plenty of time for discussions. This is also a topic of interest for potential master of science thesis projects. 

In the natural sciences we apply the scientific method in order to uncover the basic rules and principles that govern nature: we make observations, formulate hypotheses, test these hypotheses with experiments and develop theories. Rinse and repeat. But what if you are unable to conduct experiments? Or if the underlying rules suddenly change? These are the difficulties an economists are faced with. In my talk I hope to shed some light on general economic thought and how one goes about modelling “the economic machine” that emerges through human interaction. If the time allow, I will also provide an example of economic cost/benefit analysis done by Menon Economics for the Norwegian Coastal Administration.

Pizza after the seminar. 

Industrial research and development are to a great extent the art of extending existing tools and methods with new techniques and data with the objective to optimise and improve operations. Expert Analytics is a Oslo based consultancy working in the fields of data and computational sciences, and in this presentation we will briefly tell you who we are and walk you through a few examples of what we have done for some of our clients. We will also present an internal product development project, where we make sense out of sensors, and where we're planning to open for summer internships next year for help with data exploration.

Stian may also say something about possible master of science thesis projects. He is PhD student.