Research-based development of physics laboratory teaching

Benjamin Pollard is a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Colorado Boulder, which is at the forefront of research-based development of physics laboratory teaching, including beyond the first year. In this talk, he will share one of the approaches used to improve physics laboratory courses.

Model While You Measure: Making Better Physics Lab Courses

The discipline of physics is rooted in experimental evidence. Understanding measurement systems, comparing measured results to models, and using data to refine those models are essential skills for physics students to learn. However, these experimental practices are not often emphasized in undergraduate lab courses or taught in an authentic context. My colleagues and I research how students learn experimental physics, and use our findings to improve laboratory teaching.  I will describe our ongoing process to develop a pedagogical assessment of scientific modeling in experimental physics, and how we use insights from our research to improve laboratory courses at both the introductory and upper-division levels of the undergraduate curriculum.


Emneord: Physics education, Laboratory work
Publisert 11. mai 2018 12:40 - Sist endret 11. mai 2018 12:40