DEEP method courses: Python for Dynamics and Evolution of Earth and Planets

Join our new DEEP method course on Python programming 1 - 5 April 2019. Nils Prieur and Anne Fouilloux will teach you all you want and need to know about Python to work efficiently and succeed with your programming. Register within 12 March!

Course content

The course is aimed at PhDs, postdocs and other researchers who are working on Dynamics and Evolution of Earth and Planets and are willing to learn Python. For the first 2 days you don’t need to have any previous knowledge of python programming while for the last 3 days we build on the knowledge acquired during the beginning of the course towards advanced Python Programming.

Registration and participation

Register within 12 March 2019 by filling out our online form. The course is an offer to all DEEP members and CEED staff. DEEP members will get their travel and accommodation costs covered.

Course schedule and practical information

The course will be taught at CEED from 9:00 - 16:00 each day. A more detailed program will be available soon, but the last days will be adjusted in accordance to who is participating.

As a beginner you take part of the two first days and if you like to learn more you can continue with the three last days as well. If you already have experience using Python you can join for the last three or two days.

Bring your own computer. We advice you to bring your own data sets to work with during the course week, but we need to get access to your data in advance. It can be sent to when we have confirmed that you can attend.


Published Feb. 7, 2019 1:59 PM - Last modified Mar. 28, 2019 1:11 PM