Visual storytelling

Join a short DEEP webinar Tuesday 1 December at 13:00-15:00 on Visual storytelling. 

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Good science is lost if not communicated efficiently.  We understand visual information faster than reading text. Therefore, visualisation is an important element of science communication used everywhere from tweets, to slides and posters, to manuscripts. This makes data visualisation a generic skill in academia, the industry, and public life.

But how do we get from data to compelling figures and visualisations that tell a story? And how do we best arrange them for slides or posters to convey our findings more efficiently?

In this webinar, we will start with the basics. We will discover some of the most common pitfalls in visualisation, discuss composition and design from figures to scientific posters, and introduce some of the tools that will help you get there.


Tom Langbehn, postdoc at the Theoretical Ecology Group, University of Bergen.

Sign up

Sign up using our online form. You have to sign up to get the link to our Zoom meeting. 

Published Nov. 26, 2020 11:19 AM - Last modified Nov. 26, 2020 11:19 AM