DEEPs virtual PhD Day 2020: Conference posters? Yeah, we can do better

Easy Steps to Improving the Design and Effectiveness of your Posters.

Icon of people together

The poster halls at a scientific conference, usually contains rows and rows of giant boards alerting passers-by to the newest research in the field. These posters are supposed to serve as jumping-off points for scientists to discuss their work and efficiently convey new insights to someone navigating the hall in an hour or less.

The typical conference poster, which is long on information and short on design, fails on both points. This workshop will give you knowledge and inspiration to design your conference posters with success. It will help you get the attention you deserve and need as a young researcher. 

Workshop program

The workshop contains four activities:

  • 20 May at 10:00 instructor Shane Colvin will introduce easy steps to improving the design and effectiveness of your posters in an online Zoom session. If you wish, you can prepare your own poster after the live session and get feedback on your work. 
  • 27 May at 12:00 all participants will meet in Teams to discuss, give each other feedback and ask for tips from each other on their posters. How long the session lasts, depends on the participants. 
  • 29 May is the latest date to send back your poster to Shane. He will give everyone 3 tips to improve.
  • 10 June at 10:00 you meet up in a live session on Zoom, discussing the poster results and giving each other final feedback. 


Register through our online form within 15 May 2020.


All activities will take place on Zoom or in Teams. The invitations will be sent by email - but if you have any questions on how to join, please contact 

The instructor

Picture of the lecturer
Photo: University of Oslo

Shane Colvin is a graphic and digital designer who utilizes integrated media to motivate, educate and inspire people.

He is hired as a Senior Engineer at the Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Oslo, mainly working with graphic design, photography, presentation design and branding, visual identity and direct marketing strategies. 





Published May 6, 2020 10:36 AM - Last modified May 11, 2020 9:01 AM