DEEPs virtual writing retreat

Over the next few weeks DEEP will provide a virtual space for all DEEP PhD students to meet up and talk about writing. The point of this virtual writing retreat is to improve your writing skills, and to motivate each other. Above all, we want to create a constructive interactive space for everyone to enjoy whilst working from the home office. 

Initially we plan to fill this virtual space with the following activities:

  • Lectures on writing skills for newcommers - videos are available for DEEP members. 
  • 9.00 - 9.30: Daily brain warm-up exercises Monday to Friday
  • 9.30 - 11.30: 2 hours Shut-up-and-write sessions on Thursdays
  • 11.30 - 12.00: Small discussion group meetings on Thurss

This is a new concept for DEEP and we would like to develop it with your ideas and needs in mind. So, please share your thoughts with us as this project progresses.

We will have new exercises each day for the daily brain warm-up sessions. Each Thursday, we will “shut-up-and-write” for 2 hours and then get together to discuss progress. For these sessions (and otherwise when you want to write), you may want to consider using the following simple (but genius!) app to help you concentrate: Cold Turkey. Depending on how many attend, we will also organize smaller discussion groups and Zoom-spaces for you to meet each day. 

If you want to join later or from time to time?

We try to organize this as flexible as possible. You are welcome at any time for a social startup of your day or for discussing your writing. 

If you have not followed any writing courses with Mathew before: Take a look at the short introduction videos to get started. Then follow the sessions you have time for. 

If you have any questions regarding the introduction videos, please contact 


All activities will take place on Zoom. The room invitations will be sent on email - but if you have any questions on how to join, please contact 

The instructor

Mathew Stiller-Reeve has a PhD in Meteorology and has published several peer-reviewed articles on the monsoon as well as interdisciplinary and communication issues. He founded the SciSnack writing community in 2012 when he developed a collaborative writing process and helped start several writing groups around the world. He and 12 international co-authors published this process in 2016, and since then it has been used by summer schools and communication initiatives around the world. Recently, he has become a Thematic Editor of the Geoscience Communication journal and has developed a peer-review process that he recently published on He has held writing seminars and courses over the past 3 years, both in Uganda and Norway.


Published Mar. 25, 2020 8:42 AM - Last modified Mar. 27, 2020 8:25 AM