Atlantic bluefin tuna: an overview on fisheries management and main research topics

Friday Seminar by Jean-Marc Fromentin.



Both old and new information on the biology and ecology of Atlantic bluefin tuna have confronted scientists with research challenges. While recent studies on biology and migrations have modified our perception of bluefin tuna population dynamics and population structure, there is still a substantial amount of uncertainty in our understanding of key biological process, such as reproduction. However, new technologies, such as electronic tagging, genetic and microchemistry, are promising and should fill some gaps. A description ofthe fisheries on this species will be also presented which places current fishing patterns within the 2 millennium history of exploitation of this species. Details on trap fisheries that existed between the 17th and early 20th centuries,on the Atlantic fisheries during the 1950s and 1960s and on the consequences of the recent development of the sushi-sashimi market are examined. While important uncertainties remain, when the fisheries history is confronted with evidence from biological and stock assessment studies, results indicate that Atlantic bluefin tuna has been undergoing excessive fishing for a decade. The current exploitation of bluefin tuna has many biological and economic traits thathave led several fish stocks to depletion in the past.

Other information
The CEES seminar room has a coffee-machine – it is therefore recommended that you come a bit earlier and get yourself a good cup of coffee (for the price of 3 NOK).

Published Feb. 2, 2012 3:45 PM - Last modified Feb. 7, 2012 10:25 AM