Population consequences of spatial breeding distributions

Friday Seminar

By Sigurd Einum.

The spatial distribution of individuals within populations is rarely homogenous, and patchy spatial patterns may be particularly common for organisms with distinct requirements for breeding habitat. Spatially heterogenous reproduction may have important repercussions for the population dynamics due to spatial density-dependence among the resulting offspring, but predictions about such effects rely on detailed information about the potential of juveniles to homogenize spatial distributions, and costs associated with such homogenization. Unfortunately, such knowledge is rarely available.
I will focus on these issues by using examples from Atlantic salmon, for which recent empirical and theoretical work highlights the potential importance of spatial breeding distributions, and where the emerging knowledge may be of high importance not only from a basic research perspective, but also for successful management, conservation and restoration.

Other information
The CEES seminar room has a coffee-machine – it is therefore recommended that you come a bit earlier and get yourself a good cup of coffee (for the price of 3 NOK).

Published Feb. 6, 2012 1:13 PM