The Speciation Journal Club - Page 4

Time and place: , Seminar room 3315

This Thursday we will meet and discuss genome-wide patterns of introgression and how divergence evolves during the speciation process. The paper of the week is entitled "Hybridization Reveals the Evolving Genomic Architecture of Speciation" (Kronforst et al. 2013, Cell Reports). The authors have compared full genome sequences of five species of hybridizing Heliconius butterflies to gain insight into how the genome diverges during speciation.

Time and place: , Seminar room 3315

This week we will discuss a recent paper by Gagnaire et al. entitled The genetic architecture of reproductive isolation during speciation-with-gene-flow in lake Whitefish species pairs assessed by RAD sequencing (Evolution, 2013) in the Speciation Journal Club.

Time and place: , Seminar room 3315

This week we will read about variation in human skull fossils and its connection with species diversity in early Homos (A Complete Skull from Dmanisi, Georgia, and the Evolutionary Biology of Early Homo - Science 2013), and to add to that, another small perspective paper on hybridization in archaic humans (Did the Denisovans Cross Wallace's Line? - Science 2013), which will surely provide plenty of material for a very interesting discussion. All from the latest issue of Science.

Time and place: , Seminar room 3315

This week we will meet and discuss two papers: one by The Heliconius Genome Consortium entitled: "Butterfly genome reveals promiscuous exchange of mimicry adaptations among species" and another by Durand et al. entitled "Testing for Ancient Admixture between Closely Related Populations".     

Time and place: , Seminar room 3315

This week we discuss a paper by Berenos, Schmid-Hempel and Wegner entitled "Antagonistic Coevolution Accelerates the Evolution of Reproductive Isolation in Tribolium castaneum".

Time and place: , Seminar room 3315

This Thursday we will meet and discuss Christopher H. Martin and Peter C. Wainwright's paper "Multiple Fitness Peaks on the Adaptive Landscape Drive Adaptive Radiation in the Wild" published in Science earlier this year.

Time and place: , Seminar room 3315