Women-only SAB/CEES Meeting

For all female members of CEES

The proportion of women in academia is improving, however great challenges remain. While female university students are well over 50 % in many universities, the proportion drops the further you progress into scientific fields.

The CEES Scientific Advisory Board is made up of 3 men and 3 women. As part of their meetings here, the female members would like the opportunity to meet casually with all of the female members of CEES. This is a women-only event. It is an opportunity for upcoming researchers to meet with Rita R. Colwell, Barbara Mable, and Anne Magurran and learn what gender-based challenges they have faced in their careers. Men are excluded to provide an opportunity for you to speak openly with them.

All female members of CEES are strongly encouraged to attend this event.

Published Aug. 27, 2012 6:13 PM - Last modified Mar. 21, 2023 1:20 PM