Workshop: Info graphics in science

Need help with your posters, graphs or big data sets? [Registration closed]

Visualisation of scientific data has long been considered an important and powerful tool. Using the power of the eye to detect patterns and trends is an established scientific practice, helpful in both analysis and dissemination of research data. Increasingly, scientists must also be able to communicate their findings to those in other disciplines, or non-expert audiences.

CEES and the think tank Tau invite researchers and students involved in research projects to a one-day workshop on the use of visualisation and info graphics in scientific processes and communication of scientific results. During the workshop you will make a draft for a poster that will later be included in a poster session/exhibition. The workshop is free of charge.

Will Stahl-Timmins (PhD, info graphics), Angela Morelli (MA, information design) and Kathrine Frøslie (PhD, statistics, co-author of the book "Tall forteller") will guide you through the workshop and give advice from both a statistical and graphic design point of view.

This workshop is open for everybody involved in a research project. All participants must hand in a short description (max 300 words) of their research project. NB: This has to be written (or copy-pasted) into the the registration form, so think this through before you start registering.

Registration: Look to the right.

Published Feb. 20, 2014 10:44 AM - Last modified Mar. 8, 2021 10:16 AM