George Cherry

George Cherry


PhD candidate

Research group | Rosseland Centre for Solar Physics (RoCS)
Main supervisor | Boris Gudiksen
Co-supervisor | Mats Carlsson
Affiliation | Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, UiO
Contact |

Short bio

George studied their bachelors and masters in mathematics at the University of St Andrews, Scotland, specialising in geophysical fluid dynamics and solar theory. George wrote their thesis on the theory of volcanic plume models, and studied a secondary project on flux emergence models on the solar surface in Fortran90. For their contributions to academic and university life, George was awarded the prestigious St Andrews principal's medal.

Research interests and hobbies

George is interested in any and all fluid-dynamical things! Specifically,George takes an interest in the effects of turbulence to a system, for example to the suppression of heat transfer in solar flares. George gets incredibly excited by clouds, as visualisations of the complex fluid dynamics that occurs in our own atmosphere!

Outside of work, George immerses themselves in music, by playing keys with a storband and accompanying a choir. George also loves being outdoors, whether rowing on the water, or cycling through the mountains.

CompSci project


WholeSun: New codes and frameworks for Exascale computing for multi-scale simulations


George shall research new computational techniques to be developed within the Bifrost and Dispatch solar modelling frameworks. George's first publication shall look at heat transfer from active regions in the solar corona, adapting the already­ implemented Spitzer conductivity terms in Bifrost to include the option for suppression in the presence of turbulence. In the future, George shall investigate wave-characteristics  within simulations, to gain greater insight into the wave processes within the transition region and solar corona. This project shall gear codes towards the next era of supercomputing, and incorporate High Performance Computing techniques to update the Bifrost and Dispatch frameworks.



CompSci publications

None yet.

Previous publications



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Published May 30, 2023 5:34 PM - Last modified May 30, 2023 6:39 PM