Silja Borring Låstad

Ali Demir


PhD candidate

Research group | Njord
Main supervisor | Dag Kristian Dysthe
Co-supervisor | Anders Malthe-SørenssenXian Hu
Affiliation | Department of Physics, UiO
Contact |

Short bio

I did both my bachelor’s and master’s in physics at the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen. During my education I became fascinated by the complexity and diversity of living systems, and the way they can be elegantly formulated with mathematics and physics to reveal new insights in both fields.

Previously, I’ve worked on ecosystems and bacterial growth. My PhD is in the field of mechanobiology, where I will study actin dynamics in cells, and its interaction with the cell environment.

Research interests and hobbies

My research interests are broad, but generally related to complex sytems and emergent behaviours. At the moment, I am specifically interested in life and phenomena that characterise living systems, approaching it from a physicist's perspective.

I am also interested in the sociology of science, the interplay between theory and experiments, and the impact science has on society.

I have many sporadic hobbies, but more frequently I enjoy hiking, skiing and running, going to concerts and to the cinema.

CompSci project

Abstract green bio

Active flow and friction in cells


Mechanobiology is an important interdisciplinary field focusing on the interplay between cellular biology and mechanical entities like force, flow and elasticity. Central to the biological viewpoint is the concept of mechanotransduction: how cells convert mechanical stimuli into electrochemical activity. An example of such mechanical stimulus is the elasticity and adhesion of the extracellular matrix (ECM) that the cell attaches to. Biological research on mechanotransduction tends to focus on the sensing proteins, the signal molecules and changes in gene expression. Physics research on mechanotransduction focuses on physical modelling the active cytoskeleton, mechanical properties of the ECM and adhesion interactions between the two. These models normally explore how much of the cellular behaviour can be described without invoking changes in behaviour due to genetic expressions introducing new proteins.

This thesis will continue in this tradition of physical models and focus on
two problems. One project will probe a long-standing debate in cell migration, which is the oldest field in mechanobiology: Should the nature of actin-ECM adhesion be modelled as a non-linear, space-dependent or non-local friction in continuum, active gel models? This project will use ECM elasticity as the physical parameter that influences cell behaviour. The other project is novel in the sense that physical models of the process do not yet exist: Why does the shape of the adhesive region where a cell is attached, affect the actin dynamics during macropinocytosis.



CompSci publications

None yet.

Previous publications

  1. Silja Borring Låstad and Jan O. Haerter (2022). The geometry of evolved community matrix spectra. Scientific Reports, 12, 14668. 


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Published May 26, 2023 6:22 PM - Last modified May 30, 2023 7:17 PM