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World Mental Health Day 2020

The MN Faculty invites all our students, PhD candidates and other employees to celebrate the World Mental Health Day 2020. 

banner world mental health day
Photos:; WHO (Getty Images/1216841763)

Showing interest in another human being means giving attention and can have a positive effect on that human being. On campus, at work, in the neighborhood, between friends, family or even random fellow passengers.

Theme 2020: Ask more!

Everyone needs to be seen. Being seen gives a feeling of belonging and being acknowledged. The feeling of belonging is fundamental to good mental health.

Most of us appreciate being asked who we are, how we feel, and what we enjoy doing. Sometimes we need and want more attention. By showing interest and friendly curiosity towards others, you will contribute to that person's well being. You can also discover new sides of yourself by asking and listening. One way to show interest is to ask more. In 2020, we will therefore encourage everyone to ask more.

The World Mental Health Day is on 10 October which this year falls on a Saturday. The MN Faculty will host several events the following week. You can also look for other celebrations here.

Read about the World Mental Health day at the World Health Organization's webpages and on Verdensdagen for psykisk helse's webpages.