Early Career Researchers Support

As an early career researcher, it is your responsibility to consider and plan your career, and as your institution, we consider it our responsibility to support you in this process.

Banner with several arrows representing different career paths

WEEK 2: Casting light on careers

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences understands that as an early career researcher, you have the responsibility to plan your career. We also acknowledge our role in supporting you through this process. That's why we've initiated WEEK 2: Casting light careers, 8th-11th January 2024, where we offer a wide range of courses to give you tools, techniques and resources that will elevate your career. Sign up for the courses that will give you inspiration and motivation and help you be prepared for our Career fair day at the end of the week. 

What is a career?

UNESCO defines a career as the interaction of work roles and other life roles over a person's lifespan including both paid and unpaid work in an individual's life. People create career patterns as they make decisions about education, work, family and other life roles.

Career management skills

 A range of competences which provide structured ways for individuals and groups to gather, analyse, synthesise and organise self, educational and occupational information, as well as the skills to make and implement decisions and transitions.
– Sultana 2011 

Career management programmes

Planning your career may be one of the harder projects you will undertake, and it is in many cases an open-ended project. Your values and interests change. The job market changes. Your plans change. In order to best deal with changes, it is helpful to develop your career management skills. Through the career management programmes you will get training in how to map your own competencies, locate the job of your dreams, carry out strategic career choices and handle the big and small transitions in life, be it going from a PhD to a postdoc, from a postdoc to associate professor, or from academia to other sectors.  

Career Control for Researchers

PhD candidates enrolled in the Career Control for Researchers programme will follow four online modules spread over eight weeks, complemented by three webinars.

Postdoc Career Success Programme

Postdoctoral fellows and researchers enrolled in the Postdoc Career Success Programme will follow 15 online modules spread over seven months, complemented by personal advice and mentoring. 

