PharmaSafe group receives support from the Norwegian Women's Public Health Association

The PharmaSafe group has been granted 675,000 NOK per year for three years from the Norwegian Women's Public Health Association to finance one PhD student.

The Norwegian Women's Public Health Association is a Grassroots Support Organization with approximately 41,000 members.

This year, the organization has decided to support pregnancy research studies.

Their financial support allows the PharmaSafe group to examine the effects of treating hypothyroidism during pregnancy on future childhood development.

On Saturday, 27 February, head of the PharmaSafe group and PharmaTox research initiative Prof. Hedvig M.E. Nordeng personally thanked the Norwegian Women's Public Health Association for their generous support.The picture was taken at the Gamle Logen in Oslo.

A more detailed article about the organization and their support can be found here: (in Norwegian). is a science and technology newspaper at the University of Oslo and connected to the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.


By Stefan J. Barfeld
Published Mar. 2, 2016 11:19 AM - Last modified Feb. 21, 2023 7:24 AM