PhD student Nils Anders Labba at NRSN conference

PharmaTox PhD student Nils Anders Labba was awarded two prizes at the annual conference of the Norwegian Research School in Neuroscience (NRSN) in September.

PharmaTox PhD-student Nils Anders Labba attended the annual conference of the Norwegian Research School in Neuroscience (NRSN) at Jægtvolden Fjordhotel in Inderøy in Trøndelag on the 19-21st of September, where he presented his research findings in blitz and poster-format presentations. Nils was awarded public choice awards for both of his presentations, and will be enjoying coffee and tea from his prize cups for years to come. The NRSN conference is an annual event for Norwegian PhDs in neuroscience and related fields that seeks to improve student's skills in presentation, public speaking, dissemmination of research, and networking.

Photo: Nils Anders Labba
Photo: private 


Published Nov. 1, 2018 2:35 PM - Last modified Nov. 1, 2018 2:36 PM