Successful UiO:LifeScience projects in PharmaTox!

The aim of the UiO:LifeScience summer projects are to enable student to gain practical experience with research within the life sciences. The projects have a strong focus on multidisciplinarity. Through this scheme, 6 students with backgrounds from health economics, medicine, mathematics, social anthropology, biotechnology and information worked with PharmaTox researchers.

The projects and students were:

  • Testing of MySafeStart Application by:
  1. Mette Lange-Nielsen, bachelor in socialantropology, SV
  2. Sandra Klaudia Murzynowska, master in informatics, IFI​
  • Testing the influence of omega-3 on “Jumping genes” at FAI:
  1. Guro Cecilie Mustorp, bachelor in Biotechnology, NMBU; master at IBV
  • Thoughts of Self-harm in Pregnancy and Postpartum- a cross-sectional study using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale by:
  1. Jennifer Vallee, master in Health Economics
  2. Yih Wong, master in Health Economics
  3. Eline Mannino, master in Mathematics
Poster Sandra Klaudia Murzynowska and Mette Lange-Nielsen. 
Photo: private
Student Guro C. Mustorp with the supervisors Martin Falck (left) and Nils A. Labba (right). 
​​​​Photo: Åslaug Brynildsen.
From the left: student Eline Mannino, supervisor Angela Lupattelli, students Jennifer Vallee and Yih Wong. 
Photo: private


Published Nov. 23, 2018 12:03 PM - Last modified Nov. 23, 2018 12:04 PM