UiOLifeScience supports internalization for two PharmaTox researchers!

Life sciences represent the largest priority area of the University of Oslo (UiO) and aim to support multidisciplinary collaboration and research mobility. Dr. Angela Lupattelli and PhD student Anna S. Frank in PharmaTox have both been granted funding by UiOLifeScience to support international project collaborations.

Dr. Angela Lupattelli's funding will be used to convene researchers and representatives of relevant patient organization in a 2-day workshop. The core aim is to gain crucial insights into health outcomes that matter most to women in the context of pharmacotherapy with psychotropic drugs during pregnancy and lactation.

PhD student Anna S. Frank ​has received support for a short-term stay in the USA to collaborate with Professor David S. Matteson and his research group at Cornell University. The collaboration will enable her to work on key computational challenges within the project “Perinatal and long-term neurodevelopmental outcomes in children exposed during gestation to medicated and not medicated maternal hypothyroidism - a study from the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study”.​

Congratulations Angela and Anna!

Angela Lupattelli. 
Photo: UiO 
Anna S. Frank. 
Photo: private 


Published Sep. 17, 2018 10:02 AM - Last modified Sep. 17, 2018 10:02 AM