Visiting Scholarship 2021 is now open

Would you like to gain more experience with analyzing Nordic registry data? 

The PharmaTox Honours Programme in Quantitative Life Sciences (QLS). Visiting Scholarship 2021 is now open

Application deadline: December 1st 2020.


The PharmaTox Qualitative Life Sciences (QLS) Honors Visiting Scholar program hosts researchers within (pharmaco-/genetic-) epidemiology, biostatistics and/or bioinformatics at the Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety Research Group at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Oslo.

The research visit will enable applicants to gain experience with perinatal pharmacoepidemiology and large Norwegian registries and/or birth cohorts. The researcher will be included in ongoing research projects together with PharmaSafe researchers tailored to the applicant’s preferences and expertise. The project will be multidisciplinary and performed in close collaboration with international and national partners. Expected outcome is a publication in a high-ranking journal.

The research stay must be completed by September 30th 2021.


Visiting scholars should hold a master degree, PhD or equivalent within (pharmaco-/genetic-)epidemiology, biostatistics or bioinformatics.

Applications are evaluated according to their track-record, personal qualifications, and the fit between the applicants’ background, research record, and their proposed plans for their stay. Visiting scholars are expected to be in residence during their term, the duration of which can be short or longer (max 6 months). Partners within the PharmaTox INTPART QLS Program will be prioritized when other qualifications are similar between applicants.

Each scholar is expected to give a presentation and a webinar or online course during their research stay.

Candidate visiting scholars should submit the following:

  • CV, including publication list
  • A personal statement including (max 2 pages):
    • motivation and the expected outcome of the research stay
    • description of prior experience within epidemiology, biostatistics and/or bioinformatics (incl. experience with different statistical methods and software)
    • proposed start and end date
    • a budget plan
    • names and contact information for two professional references
  • One recommendation letter


  • We offer financial support for housing, living expenses and travel for the researcher (see below). Visiting scholars will have access to work space, computer, library, meetings and workshops organized at the PharmaSafe research group. The University of Oslo can provide assistance with finding housing and other formalities connected to relocation for the purpose of this scholarship. Read more about being a visiting researcher at UiO here:


  • Single: NOK 18 000 per month
  • Family: NOK 33 000 per month

The costs must be documented. Travel expenses will be covered in addition. Other expenses can be covered as agreed upon.

Travel costs:

It is also possible to apply for funding to cover round-trip travel costs (cheapest mode of travel). Applicants may seek funding to cover travel costs for a spouse/partner and children under the age of 18, provided that the fellowship grant has been awarded for at least two months. The family members must reside together with the fellowship-holder/researcher throughout the entire fellowship period.

A family is defined as a fellowship-holder/researcher accompanied by a spouse, common-law partner or registered partner and any children.

A common-law partner is a person with whom the fellowship-holder/researcher has lived in a marriage-like relationship for the past two years or shares a common address.

Application deadline: December 1st 2020

The candidate will be hosted by the PharmacoEpidemiology and Drug Safety Research Group headed by Professor Nordeng at the Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Oslo.

For information about potential research projects, please contact Professor Hedvig Nordeng, E-mail:
For practical information, please contact administrative coordinator Laila Torstveit, E-mail:


See the flyer here. 

Published Oct. 19, 2020 4:38 PM - Last modified Oct. 27, 2020 10:50 AM